Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Disability is Natural

Jen, I got my used copy from eBay today and, wow. It's about fourteen thousand pages. Did you actually read it cover to cover? Can you suggest certain chapters or sections?


  1. I did read most of it. I skipped a lot of that history stuff in the first part. I've lent it to a friend, so I don't have it in front of me to look through for recommendations. I would try to focus on the stuff about early intervention and therapies for young children, and early childhood education. The school stuff was good too, but you've got a while before you need to deal with all of that. I'm sorry I'm not more help. I do remember that in the first part of the book she talks about how the book is structured, like the first half is about problems and the second half has corresponding chapters with solutions. Make sure to read that part.

    I did skim some of it too, but tried to get the gist of each chapter even if I didn't read the entire thing.

  2. That's what I'M saying...I got my used copy last week! I am going s-l-o-w-l-y!

  3. Thanks for the inspiration to check Amazon Marketplace, ladies. I think I'll do that right now.

  4. That book is expensive! Did you ladies get the spiral or the paperback. Should I check eBay instead?
